American thanksgiving


Today is Thanksgiving in the US. My Instagram, Bloglovin and Facebook feeds are full of people talking about food and loved ones.

Thanksgiving in Canada was over a month ago (and I have to say that it's so weird that American Thanksgiving is so close to Christmas!) but I think it's important to be thankful most days. Here's a list of small things that I'm thankful for.

1) The smell of toast in the office in the morning. It's so comforting, even though it makes me hungry.
2) Hot water to shower with. This is especially wonderful to stand under after washing my hairs with cold.
3) The song "Mr Jones". I know it's like from 1994 but it still holds up.
4) Shredding things. It's so satisfying.
5) Having a clean email inbox
6) Plans that I'm looking forward to for the weekend
7) An extra day off on Monday
8) London Fogs - do you know these? (I've run across people that don't). Steamed milk, vanilla syrup & Earl Grey Tea. Great alternative to coffee.
9) When I can feel like I'm getting stronger in yoga. Every week slowly, slowly.


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